Beaubien Woods - Centennial Volunteers Stewardship Workdays

Beaubien Woods is located along the Calumet River on the south border of Chicago. At the time of settlement it was best described as a mosaic of sand prairie, marsh, and savanna. The main work area consists of remnant marsh and former prairie. The marsh has been invaded by wetland plants that need to be reduced or removed to improve the natural plant communities there. The former prairie has had anthropogenic disturbance and activities there will revolve around removal of non-native brush.
Friends is partnered with the Field Museum and the Forest Preserves of Cook County to improve this natural area. Please join us in this important work.
All the necessary tools and work gloves are provided. All participants should be dressed for a day of outdoor work. Please wear covered shoes (hiking boots or tennis shoes) and long pants. Clothing should be made of natural fibers such as cotton or wool (no synthetic clothing) as workdays often have brushpile burns and stray embers can "burn" clothing. Please wear comfortable clothes that can get dirty and your own drinking water. Depending on the season, a hat, sunscreen, or insect repellant may be good items to bring to a workday. To ensure enough tools and supplies can be provided, please RSVP to Laura Milkert at least two days before the event. Are you a group? Please note! Group leaders must always contact the site steward first before registering for workdays: Laura Milkert:
Meeting Place:
Beaubien Woods Forest Preserve,
Chicago IL 60633
View map
North end of the site, across the street from Carver Military Academy's football field
Laura Milkert, 630-674-5354,