Bridge Lift at Friends' Bridgehouse Museum

Experience the fun and wonder of watching one of Chicago's iconic movable bridges in action from inside its Gear Room. Bells start ringing, gates close the bridge to traffic, gears start turning - and the massive bridge starts rising towards the sky! Register today to experience this authentic Chicago event up close and personal.
Spring bridge runs start at Ashland Avenue, the first of 27 bridges that lift proceeding north then east. The process for each bridge to go up and down takes approximately 10 minutes. The spring bridge run starts at 8:00 a.m. on Saturdays. The Michigan Avenue Bridge, which is controlled by the gears inside the Bridgehouse Museum, is the 25th bridge to lift on the run and lifts approximately three hours after the start time (or approximately 11 a.m. on Saturdays).
Entry fee is $10 per person and includes museum admission. Members of Friends of the Chicago River receive a $3 discount.
Advance registration is required for Wednesday bridge lifts and recommended for Saturday bridge lifts. For reservations call (312) 939-0490, ext. 23.
Bridge Lift Details and Cancelation Policy.pdf