Drawbridge Open and Close: Story Hour

Leading up to the Chicago Tribune Printers Row Lit Fest the McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum is having a special children's author read aloud and visit.
On Thursday, bridge historian and children's author Patrick McBriarty will be at the McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum to read his picture book Drawbridges Open and Close.
Attendees will then go into the museum gear room to see and learn how a Chicago drawbridge works. Talk about hands-on learning and a great introduction to STEM/STEAM topics! This is an exciting way for kids to visit this one of a kind bridgehouse museum and introduce kids to how things work. The event is recommended for 3 - 10 year olds, but open to kids of all ages.
Weather permitting the reading will occur on the Riverwalk on the west side of the Michigan Avenue Bridge in front of the museum. Otherwise, we will be on the ground floor of the museum in the SW tower of the Michigan Avenue Bridge. You can buy your tickets in advance here.