Evanston Habitat River Workday
We'll be clearing buckthorn in the Ladd Arboretum along the North Shore Channel northeast of the building toward GreenBay Road as part of the City of Evanston's North Shore Channel Habitat Project (evanstonhabitat.org). Partners for list event include the City of Evanston, the Friends of the Ladd Arboretum, students from Northwestern University and the Shedd Aquarium!
Dress warmly and bring gloves and tools if you have them (loppers, bow saws, pruners). We will also have tools to share. Please join us to continue to improve and beautify our riverbank.
Meet at the Evanston Ecology Center, 2024 McCormick Boulevard, Evanston. Parking lot across Bridge Street with entrance off McCormick. Bike racks at the side of the building.
Please visit our Facebook event page to RSVP so we know how many tools to bring!