Ronan Park Volunteer Event
Join local volunteers on Saturday, November 9th for a workday at Ronan Park! We're hoping to finish identifying trees on the east side of the river for a GIS (geographic information system) project that'll help us better track the site's floristic changes over time, as well as help the Chicago Park District with their planning for their future work at the site.
- Meet at the park on Saturday, November 9th at 10 a.m. We'll meet at the Northeast entrance, where the bike path intersects Argyle and spread out from there. (We usually end at noon)
- Bring weather/brush appropriate clothes (long sleeves, pants, ankle supporting shoes, and a hat are best) and a full water bottle.
- Review the plants listed below. We'll have some ID books with us you can borrow, but not likely enough to go around. You may also want to consider the iNaturalist (AND), IllinoisWildflowers (AND), or Picture This (AND) apps for your cell phone which can help.
These are the species most common at the site, roughly in order of how common they are. If you can familiarize yourself with their leaves, bark, and buds you'll be in a good spot!: