Teacher Workshop: GIS and Environmental Justice

Understanding the River in My Community
This teacher workshop will introduce you to Friends' Natural Solutions Tool, a GIS mapping tool with 84 layers to identify where nature-based green infrastructure projects are needed and can have the most impact. Get your students to explore Environmental Justice through maps: The Natural Solutions Tool strives to show where opportunities exist to create healthy, equitable, biodiverse, protected, and connected communities. Your students can explore the entire watershed or city, or focus on your school's neighborhood, local river access, or parks.
Workshop will be held at Friends' offices:
121 West Wacker Dr., Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60601
Friday October 13
4:00 to 6:00 pm
If you wish to register, please contact Mark Hauser at mhauser@chicagoriver.org.
In case your email goes to spam and you don't get a response in a day or two, please call (312) 939-0490 x10 (main line).
RSVP required for this FREE workshop.
You must be a teacher (K-12 or college).
Dinner is included.
We will also be forming a working group to write a lesson plan based on the Natural Solutions Tool. if you wish to participate over the winter and spring 2024, let us know.