Adopt a Wildlife Species

Watch this video to see wildlife on the river.

The Chicago and Calumet Rivers are teaming with an amazing diversity of animals. Some species are beautiful, others unusual. Together they are important to our local ecosystem and deserve our respect and protection. 

You can make a difference and celebrate the wildlife of the 156-mile Chicago River system by symbolically adopting for yourself, or adopting an animal as gift. 

All donations received through Friends' Adopt A Wildlife Species symbolic adoption program supports our mission: “improve and protect the Chicago River system for people, plants, and animals”.

Friends utilizes all donations to carry out its activities of public education and outreach, on-the-ground projects such as a habitat restoration projects, and planning and policy initiatives

All levels may choose to receive adoption certificates and other fun items or to opt out of the gifts and have 100% of your adoption amount to support our mission.



Adopt-a-Painted Turtle