Improving Habitat along the Little Calumet

In August, Friends and our partners at the Shedd Aquarium will help improve habitat in the Chicago River System by installing native aquatic plants along the Little Calumet River.
In our Paddle and Plants program, volunteers will canoe from Kickapoo Woods on the Little Calumet to install lizard’s tail and water willow along the banks. Over time both of these plant species expand into lush colonies in the emergent zone of the river providing many benefits including areas for fish to locate food and rest, bank erosion control, and aid in water quality improvement. This first time planting in the Little Calumet is an extension of the successful plant installations we’ve done in the North Shore Channel since 2017, initially with funding from the Chi-Cal Rivers Fund.
Registration for Paddle and Plants in August is closed. Please check Friends’ website for other volunteer opportunities including restoration work on land at our launch location, Kickapoo Woods, a Centennial Volunteers site.