Say Farewell to Foam: Support Illinois’ Statewide Polystyrene Ban
Studies show that upwards of 85% of river trash is plastic, much of it from polystyrene food packaging.
Continue Reading »Studies show that upwards of 85% of river trash is plastic, much of it from polystyrene food packaging.
Continue Reading »Bubbly Creek is the site of a proposed 44-acre ecological restoration project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which has been hampered by potential liability relating to the sediment issue.
Continue Reading »This year the Big Fish Ball will be an activating Earth Day on the River cruise aboard the Odyssey Chicago River, and all sponsors will enjoy special April Earth Month employee engagement activities.
Continue Reading »With the support of Waste Management, the contest is free and open to all Chicagoland youth ages eight to 18. Submissions may be made individually or through a school or community group.
Continue Reading »The Big Jump promoted public understanding of how vastly river water quality has improved and that the barriers to swimming are more cultural that physical.
Continue Reading »Our River Commitment Award recipients exemplify the action and advocacy that is instrumental to the revitalization of the Chicago-Calumet River system.
Continue Reading »The Big Fish Ball is one of our most special fundraising events of the year.
Continue Reading »Skowlund has helped lead many projects along the Chicago River and has extensive professional knowledge of river ecology, habitat creation, and responsible urban development along river corridors.
Continue Reading »A misinterpretation of Illinois water law has severely restricted paddlers’ rights.
Continue Reading »This month, reduce or eliminate your use of single use plastics.
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