An Eerie Evening Awaits You on Chicago's Happening Riverwalk!

Join us for cold brews and scary stories at an Erie Evening of after-hours spooky Chicago tales Friday, October 21 at the McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum. Our Eerie Evening – 5 to 9 p.m. – is a unique Halloween experience within the 100-year-old walls of the five-story landmark Michigan Avenue Bridgehouse.
Tickets are $40 and include scary stories, spooky experiences, FREE drinks, and delicious snacks. Your contribution not only gets you access to this hauntingly wonderful Riverwalk location and the entertainment within, but also helps advocate for the health and protection of the Chicago River.
A ticket for this event also includes a Chorus Frog membership for Friends of the Chicago River. Invest in your spooky spirit and environmental soul, and sign up for the Eerie Evening at the museum while tickets last. Reserve your tickets now.
Special thanks to Two Brothers Brewing for their generous donation of a variety of their delicious beverages which are included with your ticket.
The Bridgehouse Museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through October 30. General admission is free for Friends of the Chicago River members, and $6 or less for non-members.