Call for Nominations for 2023 River Blue Awards

Friends of the Chicago River is accepting nominations for the 2023 Chicago River Blue Awards recognizing river-sensitive projects for exceptional contributions to continuing the improvement of the waterway.
Since the first awards in 2010, Friends has recognized a total of 77 projects that represent both large-scale initiatives and individual actions of property owners and elected officials to improve and protect the Chicago River system.
Friends is looking for innovative, river-system benefiting, sustainable, and nature-based projects located throughout the Chicago River watershed that exemplify our vision for the river system. There is a preference for projects and policy and planning initiatives that show tangible implementation results. For development, landscape, recreational access, habitat restoration, engineering, or green infrastructure projects, we prefer their construction to be fully completed.
Please send nominations to Amy Heldman at by Wednesday, November 30, 2022. There is no official nomination form, however please include the name of the project, its location, the lead organization responsible (including contact information), and a link to a website or project page where additional information can be found.