Let's Talk about the River

If you live or work along the South Branch of the Chicago River – especially in the Bridgeport, McKinley Park, and Pilsen neighborhoods – join us October 1 and 6 for a conversation about riverfront opportunities hosted by the Chicago River Ecology and Governance Task Force.
The task force – a coalition of community partners, non-profits, and government agencies that work with the city to improve and protect Chicago’s rivers – is hosting these two opportunities for the public to discuss ideas and perspectives about the South Branch and Bubbly Creek with task force members.
Friends of the Chicago River helps to facilitate the task force with the Metropolitan Planning Council and City of Chicago’s Department of Planning Development.
Each event will feature table displays with information about river-edge sites, other existing conditions, the Chicago River Design Guidelines, and upcoming planning projects.
- Saturday, October 1, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Park 571, located at 2828 S. Eleanor Street.
- Thursday, October 6, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Chicago Maritime Museum, located at 1200 W. 35th Street.
Both events free and will be hosted in an open-house format so the public can stop by anytime. Refreshments and other activities will be provided.