Air, Water, and Wildlife Win in Lake County

Voters in Lake County overwhelmingly said yes to a referendum on the November 5 ballot for land and habitat restoration, trail connections, and better water and air quality. Friends of the Chicago River supported passage of this referendum as a member of the Vote Yes for the Lake County Forest Preserves Coalition. The headwaters of the Chicago River start in Lake County.
Specifically, the Lake County Forest Preserve District asked voters for approval to borrow $155 million; nearly $90 million will be directed to public access and habitat restoration and $65 million to land preservation and acquisition. A comprehensive list of projects has been created to ensure all areas of Lake County benefit from the funds.
With successful passage of the proposition, federal and state matching funds and grants will also now become available to the Lake County Forest Preserve District. Similar ballot measures also passed in DuPage, Kane, and McHenry counties.