Welcome to the Board

Friends of the Chicago River is pleased to welcome Alexa Wilcox, a program manager at Adobe, to Friends' Board of Directors. At Adobe, Wilcox drives software support transformation and oversees development and implementation processes within the Commerce Customer Engineering organization. Wilcox joined Friends of the Chicago River through Adobe’s partnership with BoardLead, a program that connects talented professionals with nonprofit board service opportunities.
“The policy, planning, and community engagement of Friends of the Chicago River is highly respected across the region,” said Wilcox. “I’m eager to get started on the break-through initiatives ahead of us to build resiliency, protect and restore biodiversity, and promote connectivity throughout the river system.” Wilcox will also join the Big Fish Ball planning committee, leveraging her experience planning Women in Business galas for the past two years.
An alum of Macalester College, Wilcox received her MBA from the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. Wilcox has also served as a Board Fellow at the University District Food Bank.