Join us for Birding from Boats
Join the president of COS and our expert canoe guides as we paddle the Chicago River in search of migrant warblers, waterfowl, swallows, and much more.
Continue Reading »Join the president of COS and our expert canoe guides as we paddle the Chicago River in search of migrant warblers, waterfowl, swallows, and much more.
Continue Reading »The massive litter cleanup and restoration event surpassed last year’s highest-ever volunteer engagement by galvanizing nearly 2,500 volunteers who worked in and along the river system at 87 locations in the city, suburbs, and forest preserves on Saturday, May 11.
Continue Reading »Osprey are a conservation success nationally yet are still endangered in Illinois.
Continue Reading »The notable leaders list includes 54 public, private, academic, and non-profit professionals throughout the Chicago area.
Continue Reading »The workshop included a diverse group of residents, businesses, and property owners from the McKinley Park, Bridgeport, and Chinatown neighborhoods who share their unique perspectives about the accessibility challenges and opportunities in the area.
Continue Reading »Friends of the Chicago River offers numerous ways to help you.
Continue Reading »Hundreds of dedicated river advocates, civic leaders, and policy makers will celebrate our shared action and advocacy for the Chicago-Calumet River system and its tributary streams.
Continue Reading »The changes in the Chicago River over the past decades are nothing short of incredible.
Continue Reading »Hundreds of dedicated river advocates, civic leaders, and policy makers will gather at the Bog Fish Ball to celebrate our shared action and advocacy for the Chicago-Calumet River system and its tributary streams.
Continue Reading »Friends of the Chicago River offers numerous ways to help you plan for Earth Day action starting on April 22, and continuing through the year.
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