Celebrating the Riverwalk

The days may be shorter now, but fall is a fine time to explore the newly renovated Riverwalk. Check out this video of Opening Day festivities and head on over.

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No Blue River

On Thursday, November 3 Friends of the Chicago River, the only organization solely dedicated to improving and protecting the Chicago River, released a statement suggesting that there were many ways to celebrate the Cubs’ victory but they would not like to see dyeing the river among them.

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Fly into Bat Week

Bat Week kicks off today, showcasing how great these furry little flyers are for the planet, the economy, and local plants. Bats are facing some serious survival threats, though...and this Halloween is the perfect time to help them out.


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Final Phase of Riverwalk Opens

New areas of the Riverwalk open to the public today, giving downtown guests a first look at the Jetty, Water Plaza, and Riverbank.  Friends' executive director Margaret Frisbie talks with ABC7.

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Roll by the Riverwalk This Fall

The Chicago Riverwalk is more than just a great lunch spot with a spectacular view...it's also a terrific way to connect with nature and local history.  Get inspired with this video.

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Healthy River, Happy Birds

Friends’ nest installation project and other restoration efforts are helping  birds find reproductive habitat where there used to be none.  Take a look at this recent article on DNAinfo that highlights how important the river is to ospreys and countless other bird species.

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Tracking Turtles

Our efforts to tag and track turtles at restoration sites along the North Branch and in the Calumet have really paid off. Read more about this exciting development here.

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