Chicago River Photo Contest Winners Capture Waterway in All Its Wonder
Amazing images submitted in our 40th anniversary effort. Take a look!
Continue Reading »Amazing images submitted in our 40th anniversary effort. Take a look!
Continue Reading »The McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum's gear room shows the motors and counterweights at work.
Continue Reading »Riverprize is the world's foremost award in river basin management, bestowed by the Australia-based International River Foundation.
Continue Reading »Dr. Reuben Keller, Elizabeth Berg warn of invasive species.
Continue Reading »The annual Big Jump was part of this celebration of Friends' 40 years.
Continue Reading »Historian Patrick McBriarty is the author of many Chicago history books, including "Chicago River Bridges."
Continue Reading »Crain's Chicago Business asked us: What should the environmental priorities be for Chicago's new mayor?
Continue Reading »Collecting seeds from native plants for redistribution thanks to funding from the National Environmental Education Foundation.
Continue Reading »The reasons behind “a new renaissance in water quality" and some challenges ahead.
Continue Reading »Friends of the Chicago River and the North River Commission, with the support of REI and the Chicago Park District, is hosting a series of walking, paddling, and in stream wading surveys of the Chicago River corridor between River Park and Gompers Park.
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