Crestwood Litter Free Supply Station in Action

Tapping the tools and resources of our new Litter Free Supply Station located at the Village Hall in southwest suburban Crestwood, more than 30 local volunteers turned out July 20 for a successful litter cleanup of a 20-acre site along the Cal-Sag Channel.
To host the litter free event, Friends teamed up with Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Vice President Patricia Theresa Flynn, Village of Crestwood Mayor Ken Klein, and Worth Township Supervisor Patricia Joan Murphy.
Watch a short video about the litter cleanup on our YouTube channel.
“It was a great turnout from the people of Crestwood and beyond,” said MWRD Vice President Patricia Theresa Flynn. Commenting on the importance of the litter-free cleanup event, Flynn said “We’re adjacent to waterways here [in Crestwood], with the Cal-Sag Channel and keeping plastics and [polystyrene foam], which is the predominant trash we found today, out of our waterways is very important. We’ve done multiple projects with Friends of the Chicago River and I hope we have more to come.”
Friends’ policy and planning team met with these leaders at the cleanup site in June to discuss climate resiliency initiatives and more collaboration on litter free projects in Crestwood and along the Cal-Sag Channel.
“Today went excellent, better than expected,” said Crestwood Mayor Ken Klein. “Anybody who wants to hold a litter cleanup day…anywhere in Crestwood… we will have the [litter free] supply station there and we’ll help.”
Learn more about our Litter Free Chicago-Calumet River initiative here and access our Litter Free Supply Stations to host an independent neighborhood cleanup in your community.