Action, Education, Advocacy, and Grit

Friends of the Chicago River has been at the forefront of the river’s recovery and renaissance for 45 years and our success can be measured in miles of trail; species of fish; and people in, on and along the water. Not to mention the booming river-based economy and the benefits that brings.
It is almost impossible to remember the river in the early days. It was fenced off and polluted with sewage in the water on average every three days—and not everyone thought the river was worth restoring or even that it was possible.
Yet, Friends’ founders could see past the sewage and they could see past the fences. They built networks and trust, secured funding and more friends. And they persevered through hard times and big challenges, overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds to lay the foundation for the work we carry on today.
Today Friends’ staff, board, volunteers, members, partners, funders and friends are still as dedicated and determined, and will carry on our mission to protect and restore the Chicago-Calumet River system. Our education and outreach programs inspire and inform. Our on the ground projects heal the land and water. Our public policy and planning work results in real and permanent change.
We will never go back to the pollution packed river and know that our future is bright. Thank you for being here with us.