Shall we Gather At the River

Check out this video produced by the Chicago Park District for the River Fest, a musical celebration of one of Chicago's most important landmarks and treasures, the Chicago River. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago Park District partnered with Friends of the Chicago River to spotlight our river and bring people down  to celebrate its renaissance and recovery.

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Flood Reveals Chicago’s Achilles Tendon

Photo coverage of the April 18, 2013 flooding highlights the importance of understanding the link between stormwater management and runoff and our sensitive river system. That day, expressways were closed, basements filled with water...

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What is up with Asian carp?

Friends has been working on plans that prevent the spread of Asian carp and other aquatic nuisance species. Much ado has been made about eDNA for monitoring their presence in the Chicago River, and now studies show that we should focus our efforts down stream.

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Will the Chicago River Reverse?

Statements in recent news stories call the Chicago River an open sewer and create a specter of raw sewage pouring into Lake Michigan if the river reverses. The fact is that statement is patently untrue.

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Water district backs cleaner river

After spending more than $13 million fighting efforts to clean up the Chicago River, the agency that handles Cook County's sewage and stormwater on Tuesday officially dropped its opposition.

On an 8-1 vote, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District's elected board endorsed a new policy that backs more stringent water quality standards.

The Chicago Tribune story here.

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