Adopt A River Schools

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Schools in our Adopt A River Schools (AARS) program implement a comprehensive river program at their school and at their adopted site along the Chicago River. They commit to visiting their adopted site at least twice a year - most do more - to gather scientific data on water quality (both chemical and biological) and habitat. Each school is required to have an active team of two or more teachers to serve as leaders.

What are the requirements of AARS membership?

If this is of interest, please complete the AARS APPLICATION and send it to us.

How does Friends support the AARS program?

Friends hosts annual trainings for teachers, has water quality equipment to borrow, provides a small grant program, and offers support and networking opportunities throughout the year.

AARS Member Schools

CPS High Schools: Back of the YardsCurie, Lane Tech, Lincoln Park, Northside, Schurz, Solorio, and Von Steuben.

CPS Middle Schools: Drummond, JamiesonSkinner North and Waters.

Non-CPS Schools: Chicago City Day School, Deerfield, DePaul College PrepLoyola AcademyMaine Township High Schools, and Thornwood.

View a map of Adopt A River School sites.

Macroinvertebrates caught by Schurz High School at Miami Woods.

“I can think of no better way to get the students involved, first hand, in the learning process. To let them know that what we are learning is important, and what they do on a daily basis does make a difference.”

Jeff Hoyer, Deerfield High School