Become A Sponsor
Exelon employees working together at Canal Origins Park.
Join the team to help make the Chicago-Calumet River system litter free!
Sponsor Benefits
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Friends of the Chicago River invites you to sponsor our cherished watershed-wide community cleanup and stewardship event, Chicago River Day, on May 11, 2024.
See Our Growing List of Sponsors
This rewarding event brings thousands of volunteers together to build community around their local waterway; to learn about the harm litter causes their neighborhood, wildlife, and water quality; and to take action to create a litter free Chicago-Calumet River system. Your sponsorship support allows Chicago River Day to be free and accessible for everyone, ensuring all volunteers across the watershed have the support and supplies for a successful cleanup.
All along the 156-miles of the Chicago River system, trash perpetuates the notion that the Chicago and Calumet Rivers remain severely polluted, even though their health has significantly rebounded since 1979 when Friends was started. Back then, there were only seven species of fish in the river, now there are nearly 80, and it’s up to us to ensure we care for their habitat and our own.
Sponsorship is open to individuals, companies, organizational groups, and foundations. Committ by March 8, 2024 to maximize your sponsorship benefits.
Why become a sponsor?
As a Chicago River Day sponsor, you will have the opportunity for substantial market exposure, employee or member engagement, and the knowledge that your contribution makes a truly tangible difference throughout the 156-mile Chicago-Calumet River system. Chicago River Day provides you with the perfect way to engage your team of enthusiastic volunteers through team building activities that get them outdoors helping to continue the river’s renaissance.
128,000+ impressions through the Chicago River Day Marketing Plan: Inclusion in Friends' bi-weekly e-newsletter, social media, webpage, print newsletter, and overall event promotional plan.
Exposure to 22,000+ followers on Friends' social media platforms: The event is popular with the press, attracts radio and television coverage, and unique online exposure through websites, blogs, and social media. The images captured from this day of the river and volunteers in action are special.
Placement on 2,100+ Volunteer T-Shirts: Starting at the Creek level, sponsor name or logo will be included on over 2,100 T-shirts worn by volunteers on Chicago River Day 2023 and for years to come.
Employee Engagement beyond Chicago River Day: All sponsors receive a 12-month Business Alliance Membership and a free week of admission for company employees and families to Friends' McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum.
Friends is happy to work with your staff to customize a sponsorship to fit your needs from activities on the ground to exposure and visibility.
Your sponsorship of this major event creates huge ripple effects that allow Friends to continue our work throughout the year on behalf of the Chicago River.
If you are interested in learning more, please call or email Becky Lyons at (312) 939-0490, ext 23, or